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TOPIC: Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun
angelina (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Ok, so humour is actually more telling than all the
serious contemplation.
I think most of your true buddhist masters would have to agree.
The closer you get to true transformation,
the funnier it all seems.
But that's just my opinion. I laughed out loud in the coffee
house I'm sittin' in when I finally reached these jokes.
I think Mr Dylan has a thing for silliness too.
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raggedclown (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
angelina wrote:
My sister in law, a muslim living in the US once said to me,

" You only need to look around you at the natural world we live in
to realise that God exists."


What do you think?

This may be true, though I dispute the idea that creation needs a creator. Indeed, the natural world is so obviously full of imperfection, redundancy, and botched workmanship that it testifies more to random selection than intelligent design.

Supposing, however, that our universe is the work of a creator; even so, our man-made gods, made in our own image, and our obviously contradictory and multi-plagiarized "scriptures" clearly have nothing to do with "Him" (even our projection of gender onto such an entity is confirmation of this fact). Doesn't mean they aren't fascinating in themselves, of course, or that they haven't made a contribution to our moral and psychological development (or equally, retardation).
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zoinks2012 (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
saut de basque wrote:
Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss discusses his book "A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing."

Lawrence Krauss kinda drives me nuts. He's obviously a genius but...ugh, he a really glaring example of something I can't stand...he tries way too hard to derive common-language conclusions from what is essentially raw math. To say "the universe came from nothing" that the preferred technical parlance? What exactly does that mean in regard to quantum mechanics, a field that is understood only as pure math? Colbert nails this point at the end of the interview with the suggestion that they might be using the words "God" and "nothing" to describe the same thing.

I have to laugh at some of the comments to that clip. I hope these people understand that all of Colbert's interviews go like that.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Angie, after reading your first post one of the first things that crossed my mind was the Rolling Stones lyrics:-->>

"Angie, Angie, ain't it good to be alive?" Then I started wondering if that was a rhetorical question!! (Ha-ha, just kidding, maybe..)

Anyway, in response to your question about what we think, I think the things you said were interesting. You and "Diamond Sky" are the only females that have popped in around here so far...Ya'll come back now, ya hear?
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angelina (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Ok so what I wanted to say before I typed it out and then touched the wrong button on my laptop
and ditched it all was,

I think that the buddhists describe god and nothing in the same way.
Emptiness is the "true reality".
People have spent years meditating to try and understand emptiness.

Interestingly the math in string theory reveals the existance of eleven dimensions,
even if we can't see or understand them. I do believe in the purity of mathematical
formula. Ironically the buddhist dharma teaches of the eleven directions.
I'm not an expert on either, but I seem to remember someone telling me that the
number eleven stands for love.

No matter what religion you subscribe to, love always seems to play a part in it's
message. Love is the universal language, and except for those species that devour their mate
or eat their young all creation seems to have a love equation in there somewhere,
even if it is the very organized attraction of hydrogen and carbon molecules to oxygen.

It seems to me that we can't begin to understand what the creator of our universe
could possibly be, in terms of it's image, or even if it is possible to find an image of
said force at all, we now believe that all of existance is held together by something
called dark matter.

All prophets who have been under the influence of some kind of divine expression
must still interpret their message through a mind of their own under the circumstances
of their place in time. When a human is trying to decifer the truth through something
they conclude to be a religious intervention, one must be careful to determine their
intention, whether it be an intention of good-will or whether it is deriving itself
through an expression of ill-will. Simply put, just by over-use good and evil,
god and devil have been overstated to the point of having no true meaning anymore in
our language. that's why I choose to use the word "Creator". And to put the polar
intentions into a more generic term. Keeping your expressions of belief to a simpler
vein of thought can be more revealing than immersing yourself in the complications
of philisophical conjecture.

I like history for it's own interests, but when it comes to questions of the universal
oneness of mind, I'm more inclined to look in the present.
I think Dylan has been very succesful at providing a message for his era which has
reached a mass audience, in a way that philisophical and religious heirarchy does not.
Alot of the musicians that came out of the sixties seem to have been on to some kind of
divine inspiration, just listen to the lyrics of Neil Young and John Lennon.
I think the whole message of Peace and Love was stolen by the commercialists,
who turned it into "Free Love" or Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll.
Did anyone out there know that Jack Keroauc wrote a version of the Diamond Sutra
and was largely responsible for bringing buddhist thought to the western genre.

Angie-- very much alive.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 3 Months ago  
Say, is this physics-related or am I just trying to trick all you hep-cats (and kittens) into checking it out? Maybe both...

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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 3 Months ago  
I've checked out a book called "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant and it looks to be very good. Little nutshellian sections about all or most of the most famous philosophers, telling a bit about their private lives as well as condensations of their main ideas. Annnnywhooo.... here's a quote that I hope will stir up a fire-storm of comments from you ennui-paralyzed folks . It's by Arthur "Artie" Schopenhauer--->>>

"It is only a man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulse that could give the name of the 'fairer sex' to that under-sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race...".

As you can see, Arthur was a bit of a grump when it came to women! As for me, I'll go with : "She got ruby lips/ She got shapely hips, yeah/ Oh, she makes old Roy weep" [Last part may be wrong but it feels right to me!] By Roy Orbison

Anyway, this Schopenhauer also has some very interesting ideas about the "Will" of every human leading to unquenchable desires that in turn lead to life of Earth being a living Hell... but for now I just want see if I can get a little fire-storm brewing here.

"She's got everything she needs
She's an artist
She don't look back"
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Last Edit: 2012/10/30 17:42 By up to you.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 10 Years, 6 Months ago  
"This is the blind horse
that leads you arouuuunnnnnd!"

I was intending to ask a philosophical question about how people "manage" and "forgiveness" but when the Bob quote came to mind as an intro...I decided to just say that a blind horse can probably lead you around because, even blind, the physics of his/her sensabilities are still probably more acute than those of his/her supposed "MASTER".

P.S.--"Manage" and "forgiveness" probably aren't philosophical anyway...more like a moral question maybe..

ah well...over and out

"Meet me at the bottom--Don't lag behind!!!!"
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angelina (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 10 Years, 5 Months ago  
Well, I suppose we all knew he'd do this Tempest set in Australia,
after all it is the best exciting set if you haven't heard it.

But I was thinking, maybe there's not a glimmer of change at all so he can force us all in here to start talking about something else.

Nice to see you've picked up the philosophy and fun thread Up to You.

With all the turmoil in the world physics and dark matter hasn't been getting much press lately.

As for philosophy, it seems like people are turning pretty heavily to Yoga and Organic Diets. What are they doing for their soul, or does healthy living cover that too.

What about the epidemic of opiate addictions in the younger generation, Is anyone talking about that, is there anything people can do? Sometimes I feel so helpless when it comes to the kids I hear about addicted to narcotics. It's such a long term battle. The brain becomes burned in a path to self destruction, and the victim is not even really aware of how bad they are, until they end up in jail or something, even then it isn't really over, it's a life long battle.

I wish the world was a friendlier place for the American kids coming up. It's all too easy to give up hope. In the end, Art and Music can be one of the most uplifting things to fall back on. I'm sure many folks in here will agree that Bob's music has improved and enhanced their lives endlessly, and even carried them through difficult times almost like a divine presence.

Let's hear about it......Maybe We can do some good in this world, 'stead of burnin' every bridge we cross....

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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 6 Years ago  
Report from 2019------ What has happened?------Report back as soon as possible---- I,I, can't hold out much longer.......
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
Well, here is (maybe) a philosophical question combined with a physics question.....

If one desires to feel philosophical and try to "understand" "Existence".... well, that's all well and good, BUT,

if the physics of physical disease and/or PAIN strike one, THEN!!! All bet's are off and only one's agony concerns one.

ONE is the loneliest number. HAHA

Bye. (It's a little depressing but I'll let it ride).

" I'm gazing out the wiinnn-dow
of the St. James ho-teelllll

And I know-no one
Can sing the bluuuuuuues
Like Blind willie MccccTellll"

[Edit Note]---->>>> I just noticed that I never asked a question, although I seem to recall (without re-reading that crap) that I IMPLIED that I was gonna ask TWO questions!! So, failure there.... Hey, I gotta question! Can you forgive me?

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Last Edit: 2019/05/19 04:56 By up to you.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
To answer your questions 4 years later, Angelina.....the answers Are-->> (Yes and No in that order). byebye
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
Totally out of the blue PHYSICS question-->> Why did monkeys and humans end up with ONE SUPER THUMB (which we all acknowledge as the KING OF DIGITS}

BUT~!!!! WHY WHY WHY do we humans have EXACTLY 4 EXTRA DIGITS TO help and back up good old King Thumb??? I BEG YOUR thoughts!!!!



TO REPEAT MY PHYSICS QUESTION------- WHY DO WE HUMANS HAve 4 digits along with a thumb?


(Note and P.S.------>>>>>> IF you aren't busy, go directly to "You-tube" and play

Judy Garland singing "Over The Rainbow". (From the 1939 Wizard of Oz.)

I.m going to play it right now for myself.
The beauty of it , the longing for happiness speaks for itself. So, of course, it's very sad and REAL.

Check it out!! hahaha--- Somehow I am assuming I'm talking to someone who has never seen "The Wizard of OZ"....

If such a person actually EXISTS, I'm glad I (AND ONLY I!!!!!!) "turned" you on to blahblahblah! byebye!!!!
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
the other day, another day, I read that a tiny bird ( they called it a "tit" flew 4,700 miles in one week.

That is outrageous!!!
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Last Edit: 2020/05/03 01:42 By up to you.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 4 Years, 6 Months ago  
If one wanted to consider a question such as : "Why do I exist?"......

I would look more towards philosophy than physics.

But that's just me.

Oh! Joke by Ludwig Wittgenstien that I recalled recently------------->>>>>>>>>

"The question is not whether there is life after death, but rather-----if there is, what problem does it really solve?"

That strikes me as so funny. Bye Bye
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