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TOPIC: Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun
up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
"One should open one's eyes and take a new look at cruelty" Friedrich Nietzche

That happens to be the 1st sentence of a book that I just picked up at random here at the library 20 minutes ago. (By at random I mean that I sometimes go through the books in a section where they store books that haven't been refiled yet.) Therefore I felt the "hoo-doo" upon me to go ahead and quote it here...

P.S.- For absolutely no reason, here is a song that I suggest anyone with 4 minutes of time go ahead and listen to. It's a really good song and may even lead to relaxation of pent-up edginess... (Technically the song does contain "an incline"[physics] and "the difference between right and wrong, bad and good"[philosophy tinged].

If the youtube thing doesn't work, so be it...

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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 11 Months ago  
Here's a funny quote I just read that sort of reminded me of the reason I started this thread, which was to hear VARIOUS peoples VERSIONS of mysterious subjects from the worlds of physics and philosophy:

"The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking of keeping a diary: 'I don't intend to publish.I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God.' 'Don't you think God knows the facts?' Bethe asked. 'Yes,' said Szilard. 'He knows the facts, but He does not know THIS VERSION of the facts.'"
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Not Henry Porter (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
up to you wrote:
Here's a funny quote I just read that sort of reminded me of the reason I started this thread, which was to hear VARIOUS peoples VERSIONS of mysterious subjects from the worlds of physics and philosophy:

"The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking of keeping a diary: 'I don't intend to publish.I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God.' 'Don't you think God knows the facts?' Bethe asked. 'Yes,' said Szilard. 'He knows the facts, but He does not know THIS VERSION of the facts.'"

Which reminds me that I always felt that not enough emphasis was put on this concept which was most certainly present in early Christianity, namely, that God's forgiveness (under the New Covenant) emanated from his having actually experienced what it is like to be "fully human."
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philochs (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
one of the funniest books on this subjectNot Henry Porter wrote:
up to you wrote:
Here's a funny quote I just read that sort of reminded me of the reason I started this thread, which was to hear VARIOUS peoples VERSIONS of mysterious subjects from the worlds of physics and philosophy:

"The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking of keeping a diary: 'I don't intend to publish.I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God.' 'Don't you think God knows the facts?' Bethe asked. 'Yes,' said Szilard. 'He knows the facts, but He does not know THIS VERSION of the facts.'"

Which reminds me that I always felt that not enough emphasis was put on this concept which was most certainly present in early Christianity, namely, that God's forgiveness (under the New Covenant) emanated from his having actually experienced what it is like to be "fully human."

one of my favorite books on this subject is jung's "God's Answer to Job." the premise is that God became human to atone for the suffering he caused Job. By incarnating himself as a mortal, he learned compassion for the human race.

a significant difference in this story of a god incarnating himself as a mortal is that in most other stories with this plot, the immortal being takes on the cloak of mortality, not to save humanity, but to engage in sexual acts with it.
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Last Edit: 2012/03/31 17:53 By philochs.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 10 Months ago  
After a disastrous attempt to even begin to try to comprehend Ludwig Wittgenstein a few weeks ago I steered clear of philosophy books until yesterday when I ran across a book called "What Is Philosophy?" by Jose Ortega y Gasset. I only read a tiny bit of it last night but I feel like this guy might be someone I can (at least partly) understand and enjoy.

Check out this quote : "Hence, because life is part fate, and part the freedom we need to make decisions for ourselves, there is at its root the stuff of art; nothing symbolizes this better than the position of the poet who bases his lyric freedom on the exigencies of rhyme and rhythm. All art implies the acceptance of a shackle, of a destiny; as Nietzche said, 'The artist is he who dances in chains.'"

Well, I really like that quote... It had originally had me thinking of Bob (although he is really speaking of all people and life, I think...At least the opportunity to bring an art to our existences) but having just now read about Levon Helm here at the NEP, I'm thinking of the "rhythm" part of the quote and of him.
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 9 Months ago  
I arbitrarily looked up Ludwig Wittgenstein on a quotations site and here are a few of the great lines I found:

"Hell isn't other people. Hell is yourself."

"I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves."

"I am sitting with a philosopher in the garden; he says again and again 'I know that that's a tree' pointing to a tree that is near us. Someone else arrives and hears this, and I tell him : 'This fellow isn't insane. We are only doing philosophy.' "

"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes."

"Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into the green valleys of silliness."

"The real question of life after death isn't whether or not it exists, but even if it does what problem this really solves."

I can understand where the gloomier great quotes come from, considering that for one thing 3 of his brothers committed suicide (that HAS to be a record!) and a 4th concert pianist brother had an arm blown off in World War One...but I was surprised by the lighter-hearted quotes, and I'm glad for him that he had them in him.

My favorite is probably the last quote, which seems to be very serious and very funny at the same time...In fact, I think I'll toss it out over at the "Religion" thread and see if the boys over there can get a chuckle or an outraged theory about it...
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clairdelalune (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 9 Months ago  
this is the first look I'm having at this. Since I remarked to someone at work last week that "time is merely a convention" - I'll go with that.

and no, not a gathering of drunken men in fezes (plural of fez ??)

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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
Here's a joke from a book called "Plato and a Platypus Walk In To A Bar"...(the joke is supposed to be an example of an existentialist-type joke)--->>>

A customer in a restaurant is questioning the chef---

Customer: "So tell me, how do you prepare your chickens?"

Chef: "Nothing special really. We just tell them they're gonna die."
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Last Edit: 2012/06/25 23:53 By up to you. Reason: Is there a reason for anything, really?
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Okay, maybe that was too gloomy of a joke, especially with all the fun in the air surrounding a new Bob tour on the horizon (and I hope he doesn't start playing "Beyond the Horizon" again for 2 reasons!!!!) so anyway here's a lighter-hearted joke from the same book---this one is based on "relativity", they say--->>>

A snail gets mugged by two turtles. Here comes the investigating detective...

Detective: "Can you give me a description of your assailants?"

Snail: "Gee, I wish I could but the whole thing happened so fast!!!"

I bet you all saw that one coming like an attack of enraged tortoises....
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raggedclown (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Thanks for the laugh, up to you.

Here's a joke I heard told by the late Christopher Hitchens.

"Make me one with everything." So goes the Buddhist’s humble request to the hot-dog vendor. But when the Buddhist hands over a twenty-dollar bill to the vendor, in return for his slathered bun, he waits a long time for his change. Finally asking for it, he is informed that “change comes only from within.”
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saut de basque (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Thanks for the laughs, guys. Hitchens may have been brilliant, but that sure was a wordy way to tell that joke.
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raggedclown (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Yeah, that's not the way I first heard him tell it, but I couldn't be bothered to seek that version out. Here, if you see the full context, he is less concerned with telling the joke than asserting how vacuous eastern "religious philosophy" is: "Almost too easy to parody."
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Last Edit: 2012/06/28 16:35 By raggedclown.
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saut de basque (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss discusses his book "A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing."
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up to you (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
Thanks for the etc.etc., guys...

I'll beat a dead horse with one more joke from that book..another "relativity" one--->>>

A Frenchman walks into a bar.(Funny already, right?) On his shoulder is perched a parrot wearing a tuxedo and a pork-pie hat.

Bartender: "That's pretty damn cute. Where'd you get him?"

Parrot: "France. They got millions of 'em over there."

Saw that one coming too, I'd bet, didn't you?
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angelina (User)
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Re:Philosophy + Physics = Frustrating Fun 12 Years, 7 Months ago  
I think to put this in perspective, we could bring in a few words of wisdom from
our "Master"

Regarding the human spirit and our existance in space & time in form.
"People don't live or die people just float"

On the question of memory and it's importance in paradise
"Beyond here lies nothing, 'cept the mountains of the past"

And on the question of truth in love

"Love is all there is, it makes the world go ’round
Love and only love, it can’t be denied
No matter what you think about it
You just won’t be able to do without it
Take a tip from one who’s tried"

Of Course he is a realist

"Democracy don’t rule the world
You’d better get that in your head
This world is ruled by violence
But I guess that’s better left unsaid"

Almost all of life's most difficult yet un-escapable concepts
can be answered with a Dylan lyric.
The further you dive into it, the easier it becomes to get your answers.
I think that's something like a prophet.
But it's just the nature of creativity.
The creative mind has a divine connection to the truth.
Don't look in a psychology book for answers, look inside your own heart
and be homest with yourself, and that's where your answers live.
My sister in law, a muslim living in the US once said to me,

" You only need to look around you at the natural world we live in
to realise that God exists."

The creator of our vast universe has to believe our spirit as a creative
medium. or why else would he have given us this thing we call free-will.
If we use to create something sacred or useful, perhaps we could be of some use
to him/her/it. But the question persists, what and who defines sacred and/or useful.
I think we can probably rule out biological and chemical weapons.

What do you think?
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