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The neverending Hall of Fame Print E-mail
Written by Thomas Vandierendonck   
Friday, 11 January 2008

The was established in May 2007 after the example set by the original dylanpool creator, Arthur Louie.  When the administrators
at the dylanpool decided not to update the site anymore, two dylanpoolers decided to build a new site.

The basis of the website is the pool-game, a parlor game in which you to try to guess (in strategy and heart) what songs Bob Dylan will play in his

So who is the Neverendingpool? 

In the first place, the NEP is you, the dylan community that contributes here in good charm and spirit.

In second place, the NEP is:

LostJohn: Co-founder of this website. LostJohn knows all about Dylan's live canon and is responsible for a lot of the content that is published on the
        website. He's also the guy who compiles the entry form for the pool game.  John is also an original member (2001) of the DylanPool.

ICQ: Creator and Co-founder of this website, Thomas is responsible for all the techie and cosmetic stuff that's involved in the creation of this
        website.  He is the straw that stirs the drink.

Laughsliketheflowers: Another DylanPool original.  Laughs keeps a watchful eye as a moderator over all verbal interactions
        on the forums, while contributing brillant post and audio files on the ever famous "Years Ago Threads".


4th Time Around: 4th Time Around was a member of the first hour on this site. His commitment to this website made him the president of
        the Prize Committee
and a Hall of Fame moderator on the message board.


dylan pool champions When playing the Dylan Pool game, we should all have 1 goal: Eternal glory by winning the game and getting into this list!

This list contains all Dylan Pool champions through the years.




Last Updated ( Wednesday, 23 November 2011 )