Bob Dylan guitar

The Never Ending Pool

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Guests: 11
Members: 5

The Poohaluh's

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2011-07-12 17:07:25
No new from AccidentalMartyr .. Hope he can join us before the tour starts !! If anyone knows his e-mail, GO !! Good luck everyone
A Done Deal
A Done Deal
2011-07-09 12:44:33
A high puint game! This should be fun.
Guitars Kissing
Guitars Kissing
2011-07-09 01:58:10
Hello team-mates,made my picks but nothing is written in stone,so if anyone has any inside information,or Bob's ear,Im willing to change my way of thinking.I'm so glad the pool is still running ...good luck all
2011-07-03 19:30:06
Hi comrades, was away last week and not keeping up, so just spotted the odense score. Would like to claim it was carefully planned, but you know better Well done captain for the tour and good score overall for the team. Here's to next time. AM
2011-07-03 19:00:06
Hi comrades, was away last week and not keeping up, so just spotted the odense score. Would like to claim it was carefully planned, but you know better Well done captain for the tour and good score overall for the team. Here's to next time. AM
A Done Deal
A Done Deal
2011-06-30 00:28:19
WooHoo! Great job Accidental!!
Guitars Kissing
Guitars Kissing
2011-06-28 21:30:40
Great job in Odense Accidental,#1 and were 18th overall which is pretty good in my humble opinion,although Ive been disappointed in my picks.Maybe next time eh? Keep on keeping on.
2011-06-28 13:34:27
Congrats for Odense Accidental !! Good Job
A Done Deal
A Done Deal
2011-06-20 22:50:40
Same setlist two days in a row!
2011-06-20 17:33:34
Number 6 this time. Good job !! H
Guitars Kissing
Guitars Kissing
2011-06-17 14:11:47
Good start to the tour,onwards and upwards,but who would have guessed at "I Dreamed I Saw Saint Augustine" might be played,not many Im sure. Way to mix things up Bob.
2011-06-16 15:37:46
Many thanks! We can't miss!!!
A Done Deal
A Done Deal
2011-06-16 12:29:55
Thanks for drafting me, too. AM, have a great time at the show! I hope you have Ring Them Bells on your list to give to Bob.
Guitars Kissing
Guitars Kissing
2011-06-16 11:46:40
Hello all,thanks for drafting me,my previous team seems to have folded, enjoy the show AM,and good luck to all in the pool.
2011-06-16 09:36:29
Thanks. I'll be at the London show on Saturday. Will pass Bob a note with our song choices, so be prepared for a big score. AM
2011-06-16 08:36:22
Good luck everyone