Bob Dylan guitar

The Never Ending Pool

The Online Bob Dylan Community

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Guests: 11
Members: 3

Empire Bobesque

Current Team Members

patron saintpatron saint

Team Scores

Scores for
Username Last Concert Points Last Concert Rank Total Points Total Rank
graceisstyle (Captain)01970197
shampoobah 01970197
patron saint 01970197
Team Total068068

Teams Shoutbox

2007-09-21 20:30:45
And congrats lookin like a saint. You're kickin' ass. And thanks to Jack White for bringing MMitM, Cup of Coffee, and Outlaw Blues into the Dylan live universe.
2007-09-21 20:29:22
I've been playing the pool since the beginning...back in '01. I once finished 4th overall and got a ton of boots. Now, I've managed to score my first ever 0 for a show. God I hope I don't finish dead last. Sorry folks.
2007-09-18 20:10:02
Yikes, this is Kevin your ol' team captain here. Sorry about the pit I've dragged y'all into these first two shows.
lookin like a saint
lookin like a saint
2007-09-14 22:26:21
Hi, all, In the interest of team scores, hope you all noticed that the 20 point category includes at least 3 songs that Bob has a serious chance of playing, Cat's in the Well, Tweedle Dee, and -- I think -- I'll Be Your Baby. Probably in our interest to select one of them in our entries.