Bob Dylan guitar

The Never Ending Pool

The Online Bob Dylan Community

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Guests: 13
Members: 2

Never known to make a foolish move

Current Team Members


Team Scores

Scores for
Username Last Concert Points Last Concert Rank Total Points Total Rank
Burns (Captain)01970197
FrankHardy 01970197
Angelofthelord 01970197
Team Total068068

Teams Shoutbox

2009-08-18 03:00:25
Spewing leading all the way and get pipped at the post! well begrudgingly done floater as for the rest of you lot get ya act together! :-)
2009-08-03 17:50:19
mmm Cap'n Burns and the Angel and Allied Silver Messenger Service are neck and neck an I'm a leadin'by a nose
2009-08-03 17:45:28
Frank Hardy and Floater are neck to neck !
2009-07-11 07:26:05
This pool is bullshit how many times are they going to change the playing conditions? Fair dinkum I think I have had a gutful of Pools and Fools I have never been that excited about the concept. I don't need pools and fools to get me excited about Bob.
2009-07-09 17:36:37
Is that a Reference to the Elton John song of the same name or is from Tangled up in blue.... Or is it that your pool is a Muddy Lagoon!:-)
2009-07-06 16:27:46
2009-07-06 15:59:54
Hey I'm level with Burns in 2nd place on here!!! Floater and Frank are letting us down a wee bit. Anyone got Bob's email addy - how are we supposed to influence his choices.
2009-07-06 15:58:01
Why is this called a "shout" ? I'm whispering seductively...
2009-07-06 15:57:28
I missed changing my joker (whatever that was/is). Don't these people realise that some of us actually have lives!!! We have better things to do on a Sunday than log on to the Inter thingy. I bet Gussie is in charge of this isn't he?
2009-07-06 15:55:25
I tried on some ra ra skirts but they were all a bit small - know what I mean?
2009-07-05 15:21:42
Hi Lesley Thanks I was reading bout it on the board, I've changed my joker to "Take me out to the ballgame" ...... Folsom Prison was my joker I hope the joke's not on me!
2009-07-05 14:55:05
Did you know the joker picks have been deleted and we only have today to re pick them !!!
2009-07-05 14:47:21
ok I've worked that out. But how do we get Bob to play our picks?
2009-07-02 09:02:22
where can you check your score against your picks and the setlist?
2009-07-02 03:48:37
what time is it in Milwaukee, Wisconsin said the judge to joey when they met, not exactly, a ballpark figure would do . you should never put your willie in front of a cougar
2009-07-01 11:09:30
I'm afraid you do. YOU. not anyone else.just YOU. We use this bit to plan strategy and curse each other....what were your picks Grey?
2009-06-30 18:37:44
Do I have to wear a ra-ra skirt?
2009-06-30 18:36:06
what do we use this bit for then?