2009-08-18 03:00:25
Spewing leading all the way and get pipped at the post!
well begrudgingly done floater
as for the rest of you lot get ya act together! :-) |
2009-08-03 17:50:19
mmm Cap'n Burns and the Angel and Allied Silver Messenger Service are neck and neck an I'm a leadin'by a nose |
2009-08-03 17:45:28
Frank Hardy and Floater are neck to neck ! |
2009-07-11 07:26:05
This pool is bullshit how many times are they going to change the playing conditions? Fair dinkum I think I have had a gutful of Pools and Fools I have never been that excited about the concept. I don't need pools and fools to get me excited about Bob. |
2009-07-09 17:36:37
Is that a Reference to the Elton John song of the same name or is from Tangled up in blue.... Or is it that your pool is a Muddy Lagoon!:-) |

2009-07-06 16:27:46
2009-07-06 15:59:54
Hey I'm level with Burns in 2nd place on here!!!
Floater and Frank are letting us down a wee bit.
Anyone got Bob's email addy - how are we supposed to influence his choices. |
2009-07-06 15:58:01
Why is this called a "shout" ? I'm whispering seductively... |
2009-07-06 15:57:28
I missed changing my joker (whatever that was/is). Don't these people realise that some of us actually have lives!!! We have better things to do on a Sunday than log on to the Inter thingy. I bet Gussie is in charge of this isn't he? |
2009-07-06 15:55:25
I tried on some ra ra skirts but they were all a bit small - know what I mean? |
2009-07-05 15:21:42
Hi Lesley
Thanks I was reading bout it on the board, I've changed my joker to "Take me out to the ballgame" ...... Folsom Prison was my joker I hope the joke's not on me! |

2009-07-05 14:55:05
Did you know the joker picks have been deleted and we only have today to re pick them !!! |
2009-07-05 14:47:21
ok I've worked that out.
But how do we get Bob to play our picks? |
2009-07-02 09:02:22
where can you check your score against your picks and the setlist? |
2009-07-02 03:48:37
what time is it in Milwaukee, Wisconsin said the judge to joey when they met, not exactly, a ballpark figure would do .
you should never put your willie in front of a cougar |

2009-07-01 11:09:30
I'm afraid you do. YOU. not anyone else.just YOU.
We use this bit to plan strategy and curse each other....what were your picks Grey? |
2009-06-30 18:37:44
Do I have to wear a ra-ra skirt? |
2009-06-30 18:36:06
what do we use this bit for then? |