Bob Dylan guitar

The Never Ending Pool

The Online Bob Dylan Community

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Guests: 11
Members: 4

Carnival of Souls

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Team Total081083

Teams Shoutbox

Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-08-20 08:08:07
this shoutbox is dead, i guess everyone is on holidays...
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-08-19 18:07:00
i loved Park City setlist, the best so far for me! what do u think guys?
2010-08-15 21:56:19
Does this tour/pool seem a little quiet? Just like nothing exciting happening, song lists are so and so and.....well, maybe it is because of the hot humid summer we are having in the Toronto area. It has been hot!! Time for some beautiful fall weather.
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-08-10 01:11:26
litle by little we're moving forward, we just need some help from aintdeadjustasleep ;-P
planet hollywood
planet hollywood
2010-08-03 23:11:25
hello everyone
2010-08-02 13:41:47
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-08-01 09:53:43
my picks are done, this time i'm totally sober, let's see what happens!! ;-P
planet hollywood
planet hollywood
2010-07-29 02:04:53
We've got to get going
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-07-12 19:13:54
well, this is over, i will make my picks sober next time!! enjoy the Summertime everybody!!!
2010-07-06 15:11:42
Well short but fun again. congrats Captain and to the team......see you soon.
planet hollywood
planet hollywood
2010-06-29 19:49:26
Remembr SSLL, no drinks before doing the next entry form ;-)
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-06-29 11:13:15
OMG... i'm sure i can do even worse...
planet hollywood
planet hollywood
2010-06-13 21:12:20
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-06-10 02:52:09
good work!! almost in the front page!!
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-06-07 19:25:47
that's official, this is not going to be my tour...(again)
planet hollywood
planet hollywood
2010-06-04 03:06:52
Oh no!
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-06-01 17:13:13
the first seven songs were the same in both shows...good for our captain, bad for the rest of us!!
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-05-31 10:42:31
i hope so!! ;-)
planet hollywood
planet hollywood
2010-05-30 20:24:35
We can do better!
Some Spanish Local Loser
Some Spanish Local Loser
2010-05-29 10:52:06
c'mon Bob, lead us to the front page!!