welcome, angelajane. if you see nettiemore (one 'o') out there somewhere, you can know what she's missing.
2008-02-22 01:53:26
in a last minute flurry of activity & backroom negotiations, nettiemore is now out of the mix, but i think we've got another live one on the line. will advise as developments warrant,
2008-02-22 01:52:56
Yeah!! Thanks for inviting me, guys!
2008-02-22 01:20:31
teammates, we just picked up a last minute fourth player, nettiemore. nettie, thanx for jumping in our end of the pool.
2008-02-22 00:28:55
Joe Kerman & wickedmessenger,
westofthejordan, here, just now getting my picks in for the dylan pool. was taken out of town unexpectedly & almost didn't get my entry completed. found that most of my first choices one or both of you two had already selected, so i opted mostly for other choices in hopes of diversifying our pool portfolio. these also tended to be weighted pretty lightly.
anyway, i've never done this pool thing before, so the pros & cons of this or that approach are lost on me. seems like this is a short tour, so here's hoping i'm a quick study.
tried, too, to enlist a fourth player, but alas, no takers as of this late hour. que sera, sera.
see you on the scoreboard, wotj