Bob Dylan guitar

The Never Ending Pool

The Online Bob Dylan Community

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Guests: 8
Members: 1

Victims of his mistrelsy

Current Team Members

grrlfriend mimigrrlfriend mimi

Team Scores

Scores for
Username Last Concert Points Last Concert Rank Total Points Total Rank
grrlfriend mimi (Captain)01970197
howmanynewspapersmustaman 01970197
danglingrope 01970197
Team Total068068

Teams Shoutbox

The Rocque
2009-12-16 21:12:09
The Rocque
2009-09-23 01:10:07
Hello grrlfriend mimi! Does anybody read these things? Not in the off-season of touring I suppose. I'm all dressed-up with no songs to pick. Oh well. The Rocque
The Rocque
2009-08-26 21:42:01
Hey grrlfriend mimi!!! Calling captain mimi! Are you putting the team back together?
Some Feudal Lord
Some Feudal Lord
2007-10-09 05:31:13
Maybe Mimi can't spell, but she sure knows how to pick 'em. Go, fearless leader!
2007-09-17 17:38:17
lars for 20 pts? my tired old eyes missed that one... damn!!!
grrlfriend mimi
grrlfriend mimi
2007-08-14 22:14:19
I just looked at the overall standings for teams, and we are out-scoring quite a few 5-person teams. That's pretty impressive! Go, us!
grrlfriend mimi
grrlfriend mimi
2007-08-07 04:05:30
Oops!!!! I meant "minstrelsy" Will try to fix that somehow...