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          My Chicago shows review (3 viewing) (3) Guests
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          TOPIC: My Chicago shows review
          stackalee (User)
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          My Chicago shows review 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
          Traffic was a total nightmare going up on saturday. We were walking in at 800 and the ticket takers said 1 min til showtime. We heard the opening to born in Chicago while walking up the stairs to the loge. i dont know if he walked out to any classical music, but he definitely did not on sunday. Sound was very bass and drum heavy in the theatre. Definitely a nice change from river flow. Doug was on acoustic, which he remained on for every song except key west and serve somebody. He was virtually inaudible. Even when Stu was on the acoustic you could hear him strumming for the most part. Most likely hasn't changed too much since I last saw him in 21.
          The new arrangement on multitudes is ok, but it was one of the highlights last time and one of the last times he did a full song center stage without an instrument. False prophet was one of the best of the night. However, bob seemed to be more shouting than singing like the last few times I saw him. The band seems louder than it has been a quite a while. Certainly Jerry seems to be more in Winston Watson style than the last two, but with his Americana playing the country songs still swing. Masterpiece starts out close to the 2018-19 arrangement then the band comes in to play the shadow kingdom arrangement. Bob piano playing was very rudimentary on the first night. My wife said he banged on the keys like a 2 year old. She isn't a big fan, but I still love her. Black rider has an echo towards the end like thin man had for many years. The cock line had no response, which got a big cheer 2 years ago. My version of you went from eerie and gothic to now being crazy and gleeful in what the narrator is doing. Baby tonight is basically 3 separate songs, bob solo on the piano, then the band does a rock middle section, then a slower bluesish ending. Rubicon still doesn't have the riff from the album but for some reason made me think of a very slow early Roman kings, the song it replaced in this set. To be alone with you had a different drum part, but sounds very poppy. Key west seems to be the one song from the album that has the most arrangements. Shame since the first one was the best (milwaukee) and the second was the next best (chicago). Shame since bobs vocal was very good. Serve somebody has lost a lot of the power it had in 2018 to 2021. It lost the plot last year and while better, I would think it would be the one to be replaced first if he does change anything. Made up my mind saw him still hitting the high notes, but not as easily as 2021. Truckin got the biggest cheer of the night. Can't say if it was because of the dead fans, or because it meant no black magic. Bob Britt played a solo, or what passes as a solo these days...about 8 seconds. Mother of muses is my least favorite song on rarw, but live it is much better. I think jerry is on mallets for this. Intros with Tony getting a huge cheer and bob saying "Tony has a lot of fans here" and then introducing him again to another loud cheer. Jimmy reed with a different arrangement as well. Every grain same as it has been for this tour, I haven't gotten for 14 years. Missing the harp solo. Killing floor rapped it up with some chess style blues, which the crowd ate up. I figured out the song when he sang killing floor. The riff that was played made me think he was playing junior wells messing with the kid.
          Overall, I would give it an 7.5 out of 10. As I said, sound mix a little off with bass and drums, piano playing almost discordant at times, and some arrangements not being an improvement. A very short review of Sunday will follow
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          My Chicago shows review
          stackalee 2023/10/13 22:41
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          Derek 2023/10/14 01:07
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          stackalee 2023/10/17 19:59
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